Eutectic Gallery
Portland Convention Center Halls A/A1 (Level 1)
Process: Put A Lid On It!
Friday March 24 3:30pm-4:00pm
Portland Convention Center B113-116 (level 1)
A good fit is important. Not only should a lid fit tightly, but it should also feel and sound satisfying when you set it on top of your pot. I will demonstrate how to grind down a lid once it is fired as well as some other ways to build a lid. For example, I will show how to build a slab pillow lid for a wheel thrown pot.
Reclaim: Using the Past to Forge the Future.
March 20 – 26. Opening Reception March 23 5:00pm – 9:00pm
Salvage Works 2024 North Argyle Street Portland, OR. (503)899-0053 SalvageWorksPdx.com
NCECA Hours: Sun 11-4, Mon/Tue 9-6, Wed 10-5, Thur 5-9, Fri 5-9
Salvage Works, a north Portland business that sells reclaimed lumber, is a perfect place for Victoria Christen and Kowkie Durst’s ceramic work where the exhibition focuses on the reclamation of past materials, images, and ideas to forge a new future.
March 20 – 26. Opening Reception March 24 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Ash Street Project 524 SE Ash Street Portland, OR. (971)235-3842 ashstreetproject.com
NCECA Hours: Tue 2-6, Wed-Sat 10-6, Sun 10-2
This exhibition showcases a wide breadth of work by 12 potters at diverse stages in their careers. The curators chose artists for their individual style and contributions to contemporary ceramics.
Santa Fe Clay Presents: La Mesa
Exchange Ballroom 123 NE 3rd Ave. Portland, OR. 505-984-1122. santafeclay.com
NCECA Hours: Wed–Fri 9am–6pm, Sat 9am–2pm. Mar 22–25.
Santa Fe Clay Presents: LA MESA, A national invitational dinnerware exhibit of 150 artists and 150 place settings in a spectacular banquet table display. Linda Arbuckle, Peter Beasecker, David Crane, Julia Galloway, Chris Gustin, Mike Jabbur, Beth Lo, Peter Pincus, José Sierra, Kensuke Yamada, and over a hundred more! Curated by Avra Leodas.
Recent work by Victoria Christen, Thomas Orr & Ted Vogel
Lewis & Clark College, Arnold Gallery 0615 SW Palatine Hill Rd. MSC95 Portland, OR. 503-201-0400 lclark.edu/offices/ conferences_and_events/campus/venues/ details/
NCECA Hours: Tue–Sat 10am–6pm. Mar 21–25 Reception: Thu, Mar 24, 5–9pm.
Oregon and Washington Ceramics Instructors Exhibition
Lane Community College, Department of Art and Applied Design Gallery. 4000 East 30th Ave
Eugene, OR 97405. 541-463-3431
March 13-25
Burden Bowl
Rising Room Gallery. 2222 NE Oregon St Portland, OR 97242
March 3-31. Reception During NCECA Mar 24